Monday, May 5, 2014

Thing #15 - Wikis

After watching the video on wikis and editing a part of the RSS feed portion of the APSU 23 Things Sandbox wiki, I have come to a better understanding of how wikis work. I can use wikis in class as an organizational tool to plan anything from field trips to in-class group activities. By opening up a wiki page to my students I am allowing them to give their input on class subjects and activities. I could also use a wiki page as a platform for answering questions from students. Additionally, my students could resume their group work, which began in school, at home by collaborating on a wiki space.

The possibilities are endless. I find the concept of wiki pages to be somewhat revolutionary. I guess it takes a little bit of trust in one another to open up a wiki page for all to edit and save content to. However, that is the way students learn best, by sharing ideas and working with one another, not necessarily for the teacher.

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